Don’t update your printer firmware

Do you use compatible or recycled ink cartridges? If you are a regular user of this type of ink, you probably know that they offer the same quality and guarantee as original ones. Well, so if you want to keep using compatible cartridges, then you must say no to firmware updates.
Printer manufacturers have seen how the sales of original supplies have dropped, while the sales of compatible and recycled cartridges have increased significantly. Their income has therefore been hard hit by this new tendency, so they have taken action against compatible supplies by means of firmware updates.
Although these updates are supposed to improve your printer’s performance, they will actually prevent it from being able to recognise non-original supplies. So you must not accept them if you want to keep saving money using compatible cartridges.
Upgrade prompts may regularly come up, so you need to make sure you always reject them. Let other users know so they can be aware too. Original cartridges manufacturers will not inform you about the consequences of accepting their firmware updates.
From WebCartridge we would like to encourage you to keep using compatible supplies, their quality is extremely good and their price is really affordable, so they will fulfil your needs without problems.